Browsing Archive: February, 2013

Fish Oil Supplements - What's the benefit?

Posted by Godfrey on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, In : Health & Medical 
Do you eat fish or would you rather take fish oil? If you eat fish how much do you need to actually get the health benefit of fish oil. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which is good for the heart, it helps cut down your chance of irregular heart beat and sudden cardiac death. Fish oil also help lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. You need to eat fish at least two times weekly and not less than seven ounces to even come close to getting the amount of omega-3 fatty acids that you ...
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Soccer - Nigeria Wins Africa's Nations Cup Championship

Posted by Godfrey on Sunday, February 10, 2013, In : Sports 

Congratulations to Nigeria's national team, the Super Eagles for winning the All Africa's Nation Cup Championship. This is the third time the giant of Africa has won it all. We give special congratulation to all the players and their coaches, I recognize the national coach, Steven Keshi for a great job he did in getting the players ready throughout the tournament. Ironicall Steven Keshi was the captain of the Super Eagles when Nigeria last won it in 1994. Soccer is one thing that almost
all N...

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Soccer - Africa Cup of Nations Championship

Posted by Godfrey on Sunday, February 10, 2013, In : Sports 

In the world of sports soccer is the king everywhere except in United States. This weekend in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Super Eages of Nigeria are facing the Stallions of Burkina Faso in the championship final of 2013 Africa Cup of Nations. Because many people in U.S lack the knowledge of soccer and the news media don't show any interest in the sports a lot of people are unaware of this game. Nigeria's national team, the Super Eagles are back dominating the sports in Africa so winning t...
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Heart Attack In Women

Posted by Godfrey on Thursday, February 7, 2013, In : Health & Medical 

Whenever we hear of a heart attack we automatically think the patient is a man instead of a woman. The reason is because statistics has shown that most of the heart attack victims are men. But the reality is that women has a lot of heart attack incident too. It is about time we stop gender stereotype and focus on finding the appropriate ways of preventing heart attack in the female population. The article below is very educational in making us aware of heart attack in women. It appe...

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Posted by Godfrey on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, In : Tech News 

In this age of technological advancement we are fortunate to have all kinds of gadgets that make life more entertaining. Some of this new gadgets come with a price tag that sometimes makes it expensive to afford. Here comes with what I think
is a new revolution in entertainment, ROKU! How much do you spend in cable TV, satelight subscription, internet service or any of your current media subscription? This little equipement called Roku will make streaming movies, TV programs, YouTube or even ...

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High Blood Pressure Treatment Overview

Posted by Godfrey on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, In : Health & Medical 

Hello, high blood pressure is a major health problem in the society. It affects every ethnic group but unfortunately blacks has more incidence of high BP than any other race, why? That is a million dollar question which needs to be explained. High blood pressure will exacebate other health issues like diabetes or heart disease. It is very important that we watch our blood pressure and contact your personal physician for recommendations on what to do. Below is an important article poste...
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