Showing category "Education" (Show all posts)

The Americans With Disability Act - ADA

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Monday, April 2, 2018, In : Education 

What is the Americans with disabilities act (ADA)?

It is very important that everyone becomes aware of what this law entails. I believe it is a responsibility and a civic duty for all Americans to be treated equal without regard to their physical or mental health conditions. In a nutshell the ADA or Americans with disabilities act is a civil rights law that was passed and became effective in 1990 which prohibits discrimination against people who are disabled in all areas of public life, jobs, ...

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Harassment - Important Q & A

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, March 18, 2018, In : Education 

Q1. What is harassment?

Many people hear about harassment without knowing exactly what it is. When you hear about harassment I’m sure the first thing that comes to your mind is sexual harassment but there is more to harassment than sexual. Harassment is an unwelcomed behavior to another individual and it could be sexual, racial, age, disability, religious beliefs or national origin. Harassment is a form of discrimination though sexual harassment is the most common form of this kind of discri...

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Female Genital Mutilation - Is it Unethical despite the culture?

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, In : Education 
Below is a recent article about female genital mutilation written by Tim Newman and published online. I just present it and let you make your own personal assessment. You re welcomed to comment below after reading the article.  

A paper published this week in the Journal of Medical Ethics asks whether some forms of female genital mutilation should be legalized in America. They argue that not allowing minor versions of the operation is a form of cultural prejudice.

Female genital mutilation (FGM...

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How to download Video from YouTube

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Friday, May 22, 2015, In : Education 
Downloading video from YouTube is a task that is very important in this age of technology. But many people don’t know how to do it correctly, this online tutorial is very useful and I recommend it for you. Knowing how to download video from YouTube will save you a lot of money and time. You are encouraged to offer suggestion, comment or even subscribe to the #YouTube channel.

How To Download Video From YouTube To Computer, Laptop, USB - YouTube

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