Showing category "Religion" (Show all posts)

God's Providence

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, March 22, 2020, In : Religion 
“Do you understand what you’re reading? ... “Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?” - Acts 8:30, 31

If you’ve been following the trend of things around you and the entire world you’ll realize that with God there’s no COINCIDENCES! Whatever it is that is happening God already knows about it, He’s omniscient. The world is now destabilized because of Coronavirus pandemic, in the late eighties it was HIV, fifteen years ago it was Ebola virus ? then SARS ?. There has been...

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Adventist Delegates Vote No on Women ordination

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, In : Religion 
During the world General Conference Session of Seventh Day Adventist Church in San Antonio, Texas, United States, delegates voted no to the issue of ordination to ministry in the church. This has been a controversial issue from many members of the world church. In North America especially in the U.S there has already been approval of some women into Pastoral ministry. You may read read more about this following the link below:
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Why Going to Church is Important

Posted by Godfrey on Saturday, October 5, 2013, In : Religion 

FYI: Below is a devotional by Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest ministry in Riverside, California. I want to share it with all of our clients and supporters because it is a very useful information. You may contact him at

Why Going to Church Is Important, Part 1

Some people claim to be Christians but don't attend church. They say, "Well, I haven't found a church I like yet, and I work and Sunday is my only day off!" But if you really love God, you will love His people and long to ...
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