Showing category "Tech News" (Show all posts)

Internet and Cyber-Security Warnings

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Wednesday, August 3, 2016, In : Tech News 

I have a question that may seem like a no-brainer, simple or even childish but still am going to ask it any way. Are you frequently on the internet and how many hours are you logged on it? I’m sure many of you are always on the Internet because with the development in information technology our lives, jobs and almost everything we do are now revolved around the Internet and we can’t live without it. Unfortunately the Internet is not as safe as most of us thought because of the problems of...

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Bluetooth: What's in a name?

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Friday, July 29, 2016, In : Tech News 

If you're like me and many other people there are things that comes around through technology that we enjoy because it makes our lives more comfortable and convenient. We hear and see these items being advertised or we see other people using them and without much thought we end up purchasing the item for our personal use. I'm sure you must have heard about this thing called "Bluetooth" or whatever? Do you even take a moment to think about what it is or how it operates? Even the name sounds so...

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A Great YouTube Reactor Skit

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, In : Tech News 
This is a great #YouTube video that I find very interesting. Produced this Spring by #Swagfoulnation directed by a creative young college student. Check it out and give your support by subscribing to #Swagfoulnation YouTube channel.

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Posted by Godfrey on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, In : Tech News 

In this age of technological advancement we are fortunate to have all kinds of gadgets that make life more entertaining. Some of this new gadgets come with a price tag that sometimes makes it expensive to afford. Here comes with what I think
is a new revolution in entertainment, ROKU! How much do you spend in cable TV, satelight subscription, internet service or any of your current media subscription? This little equipement called Roku will make streaming movies, TV programs, YouTube or even ...

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