Showing Tag: " #health" (Show all posts)

Steroids - Important Information

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, November 22, 2020, In : Health & Medical 


The word steroid may scare you because of one reason or another. Steroids in general means a lot of things to people based on what they’ve heard, their job or their lifestyle. In the public eye the word steroid has a bad rap for some reasons but many people still can’t explain why. What comes to your mind when you hear the word steroid? Do you know that steroids can be very useful when used appropriately? What do I mean by using steroid appropriately? Let me explain myself; Steroi...

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Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, May 15, 2016, In : Health & Medical 
There are useful and effective strategies that help to prevent or reduce your chances of getting cancer. We know that nothing is absolute and in this life nothing can actually be guaranteed as far as health and sickness is concerned. Butt what we can do is listen and follow the direction of the experts in healthcare and do whatever is necessary in order to prevent getting the disease of Cancer. The following steps are advised and supported by the world health organization for you to follow in...
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Diabetic Alternative Treatments

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Monday, December 21, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
Diabetes is a major and common health issue in the society, there are conventional treatments which your physician will generally first prescribe for you. There are also alternative treatments which is the main topic of this blog. The alternative treatments are not usually pointed out or even recommended by most clinicians but they have been proven to be very effective in managing this debilitating illness. I assume many people suffering from diabetes know that the main problem is the high bl...
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