Showing Tag: " allergy" (Show all posts)

Important health symptoms you must take care of immediately

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
The information below is an important community service to promote preventive healthcare and avoid a major illness. There are signs and symptoms that warns you that something is not right or that you may soon have a major illness. Please read and share with your family and friends. The original article was written by Kara Mayer Robinson and reviewed by 
David T. Derrer, MD. Do not try to self-diagnose or treat yourself, even physicians do not treat themselves if there is a catastrophic illness...

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Flu Prevention - Protect Yourself & Family.

Posted by DrG [GNN] on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
Hello, if you live in North America especially in the United States and Canada you are aware of the health problems caused by the common flu; coughing, sneezing, allergy, fever, watery eyes, headache, pain, etc. The flu virus is common because of it's ubiquitous nature, that's a big word meaning that the flu is everywhere. Since you cannot hide from the flu virus what you should and must do to protect yourself is follow the guidelines of expert health professionals. The following is the advic...
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