Showing Tag: " health" (Show all posts)

Carbonated or Sparkling Water

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Monday, November 16, 2020, In : Health & Medical 

Carbonated Water

It has become necessary for me to write and explain certain things about carbonated water. Many people drink it for one reason or another but is it beneficial or does it hurt your health?

Carbonated water is simply water infused with carbon dioxide under pressure. The carbon dioxide gives it the bubbling effect that you feel when drinking it. You may also see carbonated water being called Sparkling water, Club soda, Soda water, Seltzer water or Fizzy water. They’re all t...

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Are You Sitting Too Much? You May Be Cutting Short Your Life.

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Friday, April 15, 2016, In : Health & Medical 
I have a simple but important question to ask, how much do you exercise in a day, how about a week or even a month? Have you been spending too many hours sitting? Yes you may love that couch but studies has shown that too much sitting is not good for your health, actually it is detrimental to your health. The article below is very informative about the dangers of excessive sitting. It has been published online in popular health media. The originally authored by Kathleen Doheny and reviewed by...

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Important health symptoms you must take care of immediately

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
The information below is an important community service to promote preventive healthcare and avoid a major illness. There are signs and symptoms that warns you that something is not right or that you may soon have a major illness. Please read and share with your family and friends. The original article was written by Kara Mayer Robinson and reviewed by 
David T. Derrer, MD. Do not try to self-diagnose or treat yourself, even physicians do not treat themselves if there is a catastrophic illness...

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Daily Aspirin Therapy - The Benefits & Risks

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Thursday, October 1, 2015, In : Health & Medical 

Do you take aspirin daily? Here's an important health information that may benefit you. It was originally made available by the Mayo Clinic Health foundation:

Is an aspirin a day the right thing for you? It's not as easy a decision as it sounds. Know the benefits and risks before considering daily aspirin therapy.

Daily aspirin therapy may lower your risk of heart attack, but daily aspirin therapy isn't for everyone. Is it right for you?
You should a daily aspirin only if your doctor advises you...

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Chronic Pain : What You should Know

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Thursday, September 17, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
Pain is something that nobody wants to have for obvious reasons. It is even worst when the pain becomes chronic that it affects your good health. As we get older the body wears out easily and we experience pain more often. Pain is actually a symptom of other underlying health conditions. The following article is a health information on chronic pain and what we can do to help ourselves. It was written by Morgan Griffin and reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD. Please remember that this is not inte...

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Are You Stress-Free ? If no why not?

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, In : Health & Medical 

Stress may be a part of everyday life but it doesn’t have to threaten your good health if you know how to manage it. Why did I say threaten? This is because I know that everyone gets affected by some amount of stress. There are a lot of things that bring stress to our lives, such as raising a family, going to work, driving and getting stuck in heavy traffic, dealing with some co-workers, associates or even family members can at times become stressful. These are unavoidable things so we all ...

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The Warning Signs of Stroke - Don't ignore them

Posted by Godfrey on Friday, May 30, 2014, In : Health & Medical 
This is really hitting home, a few years ago I noticed one of my uncles had high blood pressure. He was being treated but unfortunately a month after he suffered a stroke. Do you know that after an initial stroke the patient may still have another stroke or even a third episode if the predisposing factors are left untreated. That is if the patient is lucky to survive the first or second stroke.
Below is an informative article from the American Stroke Association, it was reviewd by...

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The Health Wonders of Water - Best Sources of Drinking Water

Posted by Godfrey on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, In : Health & Medical 
 Do you have a good source of water? When you travel to Nigeria are you concerned about the quality of your drinking water? Unfortunately water which is a basic natural resources is a scarce commodity in some areas because of the inefficiency of the state, local or federal government. Many people have resorted to private bore-hole water but is this water safe to drink? Has the water from your private bore-hole been tested for safety? Unfortunately many people may not have the choice or ...

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Caffeine in Green Tea Vs Coffee - Health Effect

Posted by Godfrey on Friday, October 11, 2013, In : Health & Medical 

Caffeine has some health benefits but it also has lots of bad effects on our health, so in comparing the good and the bad what are we supposed to do? Drink or not drink coffee, is the benefits of coffee worth taking the risk of it adversely affecting our health? I personally think the answer to this question depends on each individual because some people respond negatively to just one cup of coffee while there are people who need many cups of coffee to even feel it. If you have some medical c...
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