Showing Tag: "water" (Show all posts)

Carbonated or Sparkling Water

Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Monday, November 16, 2020, In : Health & Medical 

Carbonated Water

It has become necessary for me to write and explain certain things about carbonated water. Many people drink it for one reason or another but is it beneficial or does it hurt your health?

Carbonated water is simply water infused with carbon dioxide under pressure. The carbon dioxide gives it the bubbling effect that you feel when drinking it. You may also see carbonated water being called Sparkling water, Club soda, Soda water, Seltzer water or Fizzy water. They’re all t...

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Flu Prevention - Protect Yourself & Family.

Posted by DrG [GNN] on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, In : Health & Medical 
Hello, if you live in North America especially in the United States and Canada you are aware of the health problems caused by the common flu; coughing, sneezing, allergy, fever, watery eyes, headache, pain, etc. The flu virus is common because of it's ubiquitous nature, that's a big word meaning that the flu is everywhere. Since you cannot hide from the flu virus what you should and must do to protect yourself is follow the guidelines of expert health professionals. The following is the advic...
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The Health Wonders of Water - Best Sources of Drinking Water

Posted by Godfrey on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, In : Health & Medical 
 Do you have a good source of water? When you travel to Nigeria are you concerned about the quality of your drinking water? Unfortunately water which is a basic natural resources is a scarce commodity in some areas because of the inefficiency of the state, local or federal government. Many people have resorted to private bore-hole water but is this water safe to drink? Has the water from your private bore-hole been tested for safety? Unfortunately many people may not have the choice or ...

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