Vitamin D - Are you deficient? Is it Important?
Posted by Dr G [GNN] on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Under: Health & Medical
The Truth About Vitamin D

Vitamin D: Wonder Pill or Overkill?
it be great if one vitamin could build stronger bones and protect
against diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and
depression? Or even help you lose weight? Researchers have high hopes
for vitamin D -- which comes from our skin's reaction to sunlight, a few
foods, and supplements. Learn the facts in the slides ahead … and see
who's at risk for a "D" deficiency.

Vitamin D Boosts Bone Health
D is critical for strong bones, from infancy into old age. It helps the
body absorb calcium from food. In older adults, a daily dose of "D" and
calcium helps to prevent fractures and brittle bones. Children need "D”
to build strong bones and prevent rickets, a cause of bowed legs, knock
knees, and weak bones. Adding the vitamin to milk in the 1930s helped
to nearly eliminate the disorder.
Shown here is the honeycombed structure inside a healthy bone.

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis
sclerosis (MS) is more common far away from the sunny equator. For
years, experts suspected a link between sunlight, vitamin D levels, and
this autoimmune disorder that damages the nerves. One newer clue comes
from a study of a rare gene defect that leads to low levels of vitamin D
– and a higher risk of MS. Despite these links, there's not enough
evidence to recommend vitamin D for the prevention or treatment of MS.

Vitamin D and Diabetes
studies have shown a link between a low vitamin D level and type 2
diabetes -- the more common version of this blood sugar disorder. So,
can boosting your vitamin D levels help ward off the disease? There's
not enough proof for doctors to recommend taking this supplement to
prevent type 2 diabetes. Excess body fat may play a role in diabetes and
low levels of vitamin D.

Vitamin D and Weight Loss
have shown that people who are obese often have low blood levels of
vitamin D. Body fat traps vitamin D, making it less available to the
body. It's not clear whether obesity itself causes a low vitamin D level
or if it's the other way around. But one small study of dieters
suggests that adding vitamin D to a calorie-restricted diet may help
overweight people with low vitamin D levels lose weight more easily.

Low "D" and Depression
D plays a role in brain development and function. One promising study
showed that large doses of vitamin D could lessen the symptoms of mild
depression. But other studies show mixed results. The best bet is to
talk with your doctor about whether vitamin D could ward off the
symptoms of depression.

How Does Sun Give You Vitamin D?
the sun shines on bare skin, your body makes its own vitamin D. This is
the major source of vitamin D, but it's not enough for many people.
Fair-skinned people might get enough in 5-10 minutes on a sunny day, a
few times a week. But cloudy days, the low light of winter, and the use
of sun block (important to avoid skin cancer) all interfere. Older
people and those with darker skin tones don’t make as much from sun
exposure. Experts say it's better to rely on food and supplements.

Dining With Vitamin D
of the foods we eat have no naturally occurring vitamin D. Fish such as
salmon, swordfish, or mackerel is one big exception -- and can provide a
healthy amount of vitamin D in one serving. Other fatty fish such as
tuna and sardines have some "D," but in much lower amounts. Small
amounts are found in egg yolk, beef liver, and fortified foods like
cereal and milk. Cheese and ice cream do not usually have added vitamin

Start Your Day With Vitamin D
your breakfast foods wisely, and you can get a substantial amount of
vitamin D. Most types of milk are fortified, including some soy milks.
Orange juice, cereal, bread, and some yogurt brands also commonly have
added vitamin D. Check the labels to see how much “D” you’re getting.

Vitamin D Supplements
For people who want to take vitamin D in pill form, there are two kinds: D2 (ergocalciferol), which is the type found in food, and D3
(cholecalciferol), which is the type made from sunlight. They're
produced differently, but both can raise vitamin D levels in your blood.
Most multivitamins have 400 IU of vitamin D. Check with your health
care provider for the best supplements for your needs.

Are You Vitamin D Deficient?
Problems converting vitamin D from food or sunshine can set you up for a deficiency. Factors that increase your risk include:
- Age 50 or older
- Dark skin
- A northern home
- Overweight, obese, gastric bypass surgery
- Milk allergy or lactose intolerance
- Liver or digestive diseases, such as Crohn's disease or celiac

Symptoms of "D" Deficiency
people with low blood levels of vitamin D don't notice any symptoms. A
severe deficiency in adults can cause soft bones, called osteomalacia
(shown here). The symptoms include bone pain and muscle weakness. In
children, a severe deficiency can lead to rickets and symptoms of soft
bones and skeletal problems. Rickets is rare in the United States.

Testing Your Vitamin D Level
a simple blood test used to check your vitamin D level, called the
25-hydroxyvitamin D test. Current guidelines by the Institute of
Medicine set a blood level of 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) as a
goal for good bone health and overall health. However, some doctors say
people should go higher, to about 30 ng/mL to get the full health
benefits of vitamin D.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?
recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 600 IU (international
units) per day for adults up to age 70. People aged 71 and older should
aim for 800 IU from their diet. Some researchers recommend much higher
doses of vitamin D, but too much vitamin D can hurt you. Above 4,000 IU
per day, the risk for harm rises, according to the Institute of

Daily "D" for Breast-feeding Babies
milk is best, but it doesn’t have much vitamin D. Breastfed babies need
400 IU of vitamin D until they're weaned to fortified formula and can
drink at least one liter (about 4 ¼ cups) every day. Starting at age 1,
babies drinking fortified milk no longer need a vitamin D supplement. Be
careful not to give too much vitamin D to babies. High doses can cause
nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, excessive thirst, muscle aches, or
more serious symptoms.

Vitamin D for Older Children
children and adolescents don’t get enough vitamin D from drinking milk.
They should have a supplement with 400 IU to 600 IU. That amount is
often included in chewable multivitamins. Children with some chronic
diseases such as cystic fibrosis may be at increased risk for vitamin D
deficiency. Talk to your child’s doctor about the need for extra vitamin

How Much Is Too Much Vitamin D?
researchers suggest taking far more vitamin D than the 600 IU daily
guideline for healthy adults. But too much be dangerous. Very high doses
of vitamin D can raise your blood calcium level, causing damage to
blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. The Institute of Medicine sets the
upper tolerable limit at 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day. You can’t get
too much vitamin D from the sun. Your body simply stops making more. But
sun exposure without sunscreen can raise your risk of skin cancer.

Drugs That Interact With Vitamin D
drugs cause your body to absorb less vitamin D. These include
laxatives, steroids, anti-seizure and anti-cholesterol medicines. If you
take digoxin, a heart medicine, too much vitamin D can raise the level
of calcium in your blood and lead to an abnormal heart rhythm. It's
important to discuss your use of vitamin D supplements with your doctor
or pharmacist.

Vitamin D and Colon Cancer
too soon to make a strong case for vitamin D as an overall
cancer-fighter. But newer studies suggest that people with higher levels
of vitamin D in their blood may have a lower risk for colon cancer.

Vitamin D and Other Cancers
tout vitamin D as a way to prevent breast and prostate cancer. But
researchers don’t yet have enough evidence to say that the benefits are
real. And, vitamin D may boost the risk of pancreatic cancer. The VITAL
Study -- a Harvard university study -- of vitamin D and omega-3 is
following 20,000 volunteers to find answers. In the meantime, a healthy
body weight, regular exercise, and the diet guidelines of the American
Cancer Society may help prevent cancer.

Vitamin D and Heart Disease
Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a greater risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. Still, it’s not clear whether boosting vitamin D will reduce heart risks and how much vitamin D is needed. Very high levels of vitamin D in the blood can actually harm blood vessels and the heart by increasing the amount of calcium in theIn : Health & Medical
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